Thursday, April 8, 2010
Week 14: Playtime - Glogster
Can't believe it took less than 5 min. to get a quick grasp of this, the kids would love to play around with this, great for making title pages.
Take a look
Week 14: Changing Collections
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Vision of the future: Final Presentation
Vision of the Future
Here is the wordle representing the libraries of the future
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Week 13: Reflection on reading
This is what it is all about, we use and try new tools to see how they effect learning. If we use them correctly and they have positive benefits then we continue to use them. Very simple. I feel that this pretty much sums up this course. We have learned so much about what we can use to ultimately improve our learning environments. We are all striving to provide the best opportunities for our students. The tools are there, we need to learn them, use them and monitor their effectiveness.
Waymack and Ross have not accumulated sufficient data to confirm the positives of LMS but they have been able to credit the LMS with improving learning environments, "the climate is better, the overall feeling of being engaged is better."
That's what we want, enthusiastic, motivated, and engaged students.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Week 13: My Thoughts
Monday, March 29, 2010
Week 12: Podcasting - Reflections
Friday, March 19, 2010
Week 12: Topic Presentation - Podcasting
This was another new tool for me, so once again there was quite a learning curve. I did quite a bit of reasearch and contmeplating at length on how to go about presenting to the group, in the end I decided to pool the information I researched into a parred down simplified version of "Podcasting for the Techno Challenged" powerpoint. I chose a wikipage which I discovered to base my presentation on. I have scaled it down in order to provide the basics. I have included the url at the end of this post, as well as in my references, please view it for further information.
So here we go, I hope that this powerpoint serves it's purpose which is basically to inform you on what a podcast is, how to create a podcast and how to incorporate it in your teaching or library.
Please view it and respond to the discussion questions.
You can access the powerpoint through slideshare at
As a further note, as I was about to post my discussion I discovered another amazing tool which I will try in the future. I thought that I would mention it here as it relates to my topic, it is called Slidecast. Slidecast combines both podcasting and powerpoint, allowing a voice over to accompany your powerpoint. It is a very effective tool and totally makes the powerpoint much more engaging for the viewer. Slidecasting is free and is an option available through slideshare. You can view this tutorial for a preview.
Podcating in Schools article
week 11: vimeo
Here is the vimeo video
Thursday, March 18, 2010
week 11: youtube trial
Here it is my first you tube!!
Week 11: Video and sharing, my thoughts
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Week 10 Social Networking beyond text: reflections
I think that my initial reaction to social networking was a little strong. I remain a little apprehensive but I don't want to be guilty of not trying something because of fear. Discovering new things is exciting and \i think that is what is so enthralling for our students. They can use these tools and create incredible products. I remember as a student trying to create or replicate artwork and even though I tried my best it still was not up to par. These tools address this and make everyone walk away with a feeling of being a professional. It is quite and exhilarating feeling. So although I still approach things with caution I will not let it stop me from trying the next new thing.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Week 10 Social Networking beyond text: Picasa
Take a look, really basic right now, but with more playing around, can do great things. I am excited!!
christmas |
Week 10 Social Networking beyond text: my thoughts
Now socially, out of school I think that facebook, etc. are entertaining and perform certain tasks that save time and facilitate communication. I continue to think however, that it is somewhat overused and tedious. Who really wants to know when I am having coffee or that I have gone to the beach. I also think that some people lose a little perspective when using this and sometimes they make some poor judgement calls. Teachers facebooking parents on a social level, in my opinion, is not a great idea. It could lead to gossip and possible negative ramifications for all those involved, especially the student. I think it is fantastic to use when communicating with close family and friends, but really do we need to keep everyone updated on our daily lives? There is such a thing as too much information. I recently received a friend request which I accepted and they got a whole page of very inappropriate clubs that they were a "fan" of.
So in the end does it fulfill a need or serve a purpose? Yes I think that it does. But we need to remember to use things in moderation and perhaps not jump on the bandwagon. But then again perhaps I am a Nervous Nilly, and play things too cautiously, but once something is out there, you can not get it back.
Now, I will set about doing the readings and see if I gain a new enlightened perspective. I'll keep you posted.
Self reflection on Wiki assignment
Self Reflection on Wikis
I am without a doubt convinced that wikis have a place in the schools and the libraries. They are convenient and easy and engaging. The students love them and are hooked when they are using them. I agree that we cannot hold back on what is new. Denying or refusing to use the tools does not serve the best interest of the students.
Our focus for our wiki project was the idea of incorporating video games in the library. I understood and agreed with the author that there are pros to gaming. They have research supporting their value and that is not to be ignored. My concern is that I am not convinced that they should be mainstreamed into a school library as a full time focus. I am not refuting that they appear to have some educational value but I am not convinced that the library should be the forum for this learning situation. My concerns center around who will be responsible for managing this learning tool. If it is Internet based how will this be governed? Will video games become recommended curriculum and therefore be on the learning resources lists?
I must admit that perhaps I am a little biased to the idea of incorporating video games into schools and libraries. I am not a fan of them. Honestly, I feel that students on the majority already get more than enough video game play within their own homes. School in my opinion is a wonderful place to encourage face-to-face social interaction. Face to face interaction provides the student an opportunity to learn much needed social skills, that some of them lack. Some students have great difficulty with reading people’s emotions by detecting the clues that facial expression and body language give them. They have difficulty inferring because they can’t read or pick up on the clues. Video games are controlled and manipulated by them. They have the ability to start over if it is not going well. Life is not like that and I think that it gives them a distorted version of what real life interaction is like. I am of course generalizing, not all students are like this. However, many colleagues have spoken of this phenomenon where they are faced with students who want instant attention, focus, stimulation and gratification. Is this a result of video game playing?
Could video games fulfill a valid role in education, I think that it is possible. However, as an educator trying to teach a desired learning outcome, before relying on video games as a teaching tool, I would personally research equally effective alternative teaching methods. I could see video games serving as an enrichment or incentive program. I believe strongly that video games need to be closely monitored in terms of content and time spent playing. It is true that students learn through play but there are alternatives that could and should be considered first.
This course has opened my mind to the possibility of using many new web 2.0 tools, blogs, animoto, voicethread, and podcasts, all of which I think have a great educational value. They are engaging and require students to focus and provide a final product, encouraging students to take ownership and pride in their work. These tools are easily implemented into my teaching. I can see them working as book clubs, summaries, research projects, collaboration, recitals and reader’s theatre. Video games, however, I think I still need some convincing that they should be promoted as a valid teaching/learning resource. I am very excited about trying some of the above-mentioned tools, however, I will hold off for now on the video games.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Week 9: Social Networking Services: Refelections on Readings
Once again, when considering anything new I always tend to focus on the pros and cons. My initial response to social networking I must admit was a little negative. I was reluctant to let one more thing invade and/or manipulate my time. Being a bit of a perfectionist I always feel compelled to address, respond to all those who reach out to me, so now I was opening myself up to more possibilities. After reading the research and the opinions, I still feel a little guarded about my privacy and my time but I am now more open to realizing the potential that social networking can provide.
Recently someone, who was looking for my siblings and me, contacted me; she connected with me by searching on Facebook. She had pictures of me and my siblings from when we were very young. As my parents were divorced and my father past away my siblings and I lost contact with my fathers side of the family. She wished to return the photos to me and we managed to connect and make arrangements all through Facebook. It all happened very quickly, in one night we made contact, reminisced and made arrangements for the photo delivery. Not having the medium of Facebook I am positive that the whole process would have taken much longer and would have been more labor intensive perhaps to the point that it would not have occurred. Therefore, I am thankful for the ease and swiftness that Facebook provides.
Evan Williams' talk provided insight into how beneficial Twitter has become. It was originally created to be a broadcast medium of where you were and what you were doing. It has morphed into more of a means to keep current on what is happening in the world today at this very moment. It is instant dispersal of information, eliminating the need to wait and watch the 6:00 news, as our parents did.
Michael Stephens stated many different ways in which he saw twitter being used at a conference
i.e. Commentary, social plan maker, reporting, keeping in touch, discovering and exploring new ideas - inspiring creative thought, and making observations and connections.
So yes social networking does work and does fulfill a need however, I still feel the need to point out the benefits to good old-fashioned conversation. In moderation, I think social networking is great. However, I think that if it becomes the soul way in which one communicated then that could be a cause for concern or focus. There is something to be said about the art of conversation. I think that the youth today need to see role models interacting with each other, face to face conversation provides them with the opportunity to practice their social manners, being able to notice emotion and body language to better interpretate the situation. I think that one flaw of social networking is the void of emotion, which is present in oral speech; emotion allows us to infer and pick up on things, which help us, understand things more clearly.
I had an interesting thought or possible research possibility. I was wondering what effect, if any, there was between the rise in social networking and social anxiety. Conversation provides companionship or can at times be very therapeutic, if we are no longer gathering on the porches or kitchens to share and bond then where are we doing this, hopefully not in the therapist’s offices. Just a thought!!
Week 9: Social Networking Services cont'd trial of tag clouds
This is the link to the tag cloud
I think this tool would work really well to initiate thinking with children, to give them direction when they are tackling an article or reading passage, visually pulls out the main words, ideas.
Wanted to add a tag cloud for the referred to resource ALA Techsource on Twitter, love that Library was so predominate!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Week 9: Social Networking Services
Week 7 and 8
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Week 6: OOPS!!!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Week 6: Screen shot of my wiki
Week 6: Wiki World: my thoughts
I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist and love fooling around with the editing tools, so I got a little frustrated when I couldn't get to look exactly like I wanted. I am not fazed by this though I realize that it will take alot more exploring and experimenting with it to use it to its full extent. The possibilites of this tool are really excting. I like the interaction that it encourages, and the idea of equal participation. Now I just need to find some uninterrupted time to sit down and play!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Week 5: Wikipedia
Week 4: Animoto experience
This quick little video took me less than 10 minutes to create, so it is very user friendly, which left me feeling like my next profession could be that of a music video producer, who knows?
Week 5: Wiki Edit
My edit was the comment on Pebble Hill Traditional School, how it recently transformed to a tradtional school focussed on discipline and respect.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Week 4: Blogs, Harris interview
The Harris interview was very interesting and aligned in many ways to my ideas of how we should be handling or dealing with the new technology available to our students. As he said, "sticking our heads in the sand" is not the answer. We need to accommodate and find ways to integrate and use the tools that are available today in an educationally relevant manner. We need to remember to be flexible and allow for mistakes and mishaps, because they will happen. We need to approach these situations not so much with fear but as learning opportunities.
I like the way he described the role of the TL , one who guides the way through the technology chaos. I find a little humour in this because of its truth. There is and will be a little chaos, but I think that controlled chaos brings about change, and that is what it is all about, change. The times they are a changin'!! We need to be prepared on how to handle it. Education is the answer, inform ourselves and try to keep current.
My next goal is to set up a blog for my school library, I know that I can do it, the only problem is finding the time.
week 3: voicethread worked
voicethread continued
This is the link to my voicethread, I will post it and then try it myself. let's see... Wish me luck!!
Week 3 My voicethread experience
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Week 3 response to Prensky
Prensky in my opinion is right, we can not hold on to the beliefs or understandings of the past. We use what we have learned historically to guide us towards the future. Avoiding or dismissing what our children are faced with today would be doing them a great disservice. We need to keep up and in so doing teach them how to navigate and manipulate the new tools at their disposal today. I realize that "new" is sometimes scary but teaching is all about finding new ways, new paths and inspiring youth not dismissing them.
On a side note, an EA in our school came into the library and asked me if TL's still taught the Dewey decimal system. A conversation about how times are changing and that how out school collections of non-fiction just can not keep up ensued. Dewey is not relevant to the students today because they have a wealth of information at their fingertips. Kids want to learn what is relevant to them, life is about them, so I think we need to focus on their needs. No matter how daunting it is for us to forge into the unknown we must do so in order to best guide our learners be it students or teachers or parents.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Week 2 iGoogle page
week 2 A Whole New World
I also customized my very own igoogle page, took me half the night but wow, love it!! My kids don't believe me when I say that I am doing my homework, looks like too much fun they say.
I must say that this course is reinforcing my decision to not put my very meager funds towards the purchase of non-fiction books. My small school collection can not and will never be able to compete with the mass information so easily available to this generation. Teaching the Dewey Decimal system seems so archaic, do they really need to know this?
I find myself or my school district in a very ironic situation. According to Christopher Harris's article, particularly, "where do we go from here" the general idea is that Librarians are crucial to aiding and supporting the use of the new technologies available. Our school district recently purchased laptops for the intermediate students and teachers in order to facilitate the teaching of new technology, the librarians, however, were not included. A little bizarre! We are supposed to embrace and encourage it but please do so without the hardware. I believe that this was a major oversight on behalf of the district but what can you do. I will continue to do as I always have and make the best of it, teach what I can with what I have. My point being that I agree with Harris and there is no denying the change, we need to move on and get with it and try to stay with it as best we can. Oh yeah and let's not forget to have fun, make mistakes and learn!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Week 2: My thoughts on Google Doc
Tomorrow I will attempt some reading and hopefully have some very insightful comments to share with you all until then goodnight.