Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Week 2: My thoughts on Google Doc

I just experimented with the google doc that was set up for us to try. Really interesting. I overheard the grade 7 teacher in my school discussing how he was using this with his students, and quite honestly I can tell you that it sounded like he was speaking in a foreign language. My unfounded fear of the unknown immediately caused me to tune him out and continue about my business. Well I am proud to report that I think I could now participate in that conversation and actually have something intelligilbe to add. All humour aside, I think that this tool is fantastic for encouraging the reluctant speakers that we all have in our classes. The students who would love to share their thoughts but are too shy or reluctant to participate in an open forum would really latch on to this tool. Public speaking is not for everyone and this tool seems to address this quite nicely. Once again however, we need to remember to do all the teaching that would be required to ensure the effectiveness of this tool. Students would need to be reminded to be just as respectful and appropriate when corresponding on-line, as they would be in the classroom. Students need some reminders that they are not anonymous when they are on-line, I think some tend to be a little more brazen when they are in front of the screen then they would be if they were in front of the class. Great tool though, lots of possibilities! need to do more experimenting with it!
Tomorrow I will attempt some reading and hopefully have some very insightful comments to share with you all until then goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. Google Docs is great for collaboration! My colleague and I use it for everything from writing papers and articles together to creating joint 'to do lists'. I've had students use Google Docs to present work (e.g. presentations) because it is easy for everyone in a class to access.

    I also know some people who use Google Calendar as their family calendar and then sync it to their handheld devices so that parents and kids all have access to the same family calendar!

    I know lots of people complain about Google, but I love having access to all these tools with one login/password!
